INTRODUCTION: The “what” and the “why” of this course
1. The Issues we face today
“We are raising a generation of young people who are very observant but not very religious” (Rav A. Feldman shlit”a)
Yediya chitzoniyus versus yediyah pnimis (Admor of Piaseczna)
The Conundrum: What is needed for a school to excel in highly controlled “observance” and elite academic “yediyah chitzonis” inhibits slow personalized “religious” growth and individualized “yediyah pnimis, and vice versa.
“The Yeshiva exists for the hatzlacha of the talmidim, the talmidim are not there for the hatzlacha of the Yeshiva.” - What is good for the school is not always good for the student, and vice versa
Rav Shalom Schwadron: The hypocrisy of being on the 49th level of tumah while still externally - “lo shinu lshonam, malbusham u’shmam”
3 top questions in all ”Ask the Rabbi sessions”: What’s so bad about talking to boys; what’s bad about goyish music; no one knows if Yiddishkeit is true - right?”
“I think I'm someone who watches movies, and listens to non Jewish music, knows how to have fun, and knows when to be serious. I am a normal bais yaakov girl that watches and listens to normal things and i definitely don't consider myself at risk.” (from mainstream East Coast BY HS).
2. Why davka today more than in previous generations?
The outside world is much scarier than ever before and in the process of creating controls - the content, beauty, and hashkafa of Yiddishkeit got taken for granted.
Today there is huge emphasis on externals and the bottom line.
It is hard to be a “hero” today - everyone is a “good frum BY girl”
“Religious” internal growth (as contrasted to external “observance”) is hard to measure and takes time, and thus is not immediately recognized in the student’s world of school and family.
Shidduch “Crisis” - We will put form over content and do what is good for the resume rather than what is good for the child’s neshama.
3. Goals and Success Criteria
All Rabbaim and Moros will be able to confidently answer all basic questions.
All Rabbaim and Moros will have the tools and confidence to deal with each student as an individual.
Schools will be a rich, complex, all encompassing educational experience.
Our students have be inspired and have vision and clarity of purpose.
Each talmid/a will feel validated as a unique contributing member of Klal Yisroel.
Students will have the tools and self confidence to carry Yiddishkeit through their adult lives, wherever they end up.