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Link to Sample Class:


Class Is one hour – which includes Q&A


Instructions for joining the sample class: (It is not as complicated as it looks!)


  1. Make sure you have a laptop with a built-in camera and microphone. If you are joining from a desktop computer, be sure you have a webcam and a microphone. Alternatively, you may participate by using a tablet or smartphone. An app is available on

  2. Click on the link above a few minutes before the start of the class. Assuming you have never used Zoom before, a Zoom Launcher zip file will automatically download, and appear as "zoom . . . exe" on the bottom left corner of your computer screen. Click on it to install Zoom. (Your computer may ask you “Do you want to allow this app - Zoom Video Communications - to make changes to your device” or “Are you sure you want to open this program?” – say “YES”!)

  3. If you are early – and I have not started yet – a message will appear saying: “Please wait for the host to start this meeting.” (Note: You will see a button that says, “test computer mic and speakers.” While waiting for the meeting to start this will allow you to check that you will hear and be heard. If you click that, you can also click the video icon to see if your webcam is working).

  4. Just before entering the “meeting” you will be prompted to enter a display name. This name is simply to identify you in the class. Please put Mrs./Miss Last Name – that is what will appear on the screen under your picture.

  5. Now just click the green box “Join audio conference by computer” and you are in. (If you just hear the sound but do not see yourself, look for the video camera icon on the bottom left of the box and click on it.)


Note: In the future, you will not need to download Zoom at all, and once you click the link for the class – you will automatically be at step 5.


I Very Strongly Recommend: To avoid spending time on step number 2 (downloading and installing Zoom) right before the class – simply download and install it in advance! Just click on this link  - scroll to the very bottom of the page, click on “download” and download and install Zoom now! There you will also see an option to download the app for your tablet or smartphone. That way, when you click on the class link before your sample class – you will immediately be at step #3. This is especially important if you are using a school computer where only the “administrator” can download new programs.


Here is a link to a very clear one-minute video tutorial explaining how to join a Zoom meeting for the first time (please note that the article attached to the video is not relevant):


To contact me – simply e-mail or call 647-882-6130.

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